When preparing food and serving meals to the public, you cannot afford to miss even one meal being sent out at too low a temperature. The danger zone of food is between five degrees and 57 degrees Celsius and you simply must have your food outside of this zone to ensure that bacteria and contaminants are at a safe level. The right pH meter can help you ensure that your measurement instruments are of the highest quality to assist in the monitoring of both temperature and humidity within a desired food or even location.
Temperature monitoring is critical for food service because it is the legal obligation of any food-serving establishment to remain in compliance with food standards. Coolers and freezers must thus be kept at the correct temperature without exception, and just one instance of standards falling short could leave a patron falling ill or even being sent to hospital. Therefore, you keep HACCP-certified instruments designed to monitor temperature over time as well as the humidity and pH levels of food within your establishment.
Spot Checking
When preparing cold or hot foods for consumption, you must keep the food outside of the danger zone to avoid the buildup of bacteria and other contaminants to a dangerous level. The temperature of foods is something that you cannot ignore throughout the preparation service, leaving you with the need to spot check your food at periodic moments. Proceed with frequent temperature checks throughout the work day, making sure that every single piece of food to be sent out is to the proper temperature to ensure food safety.
Temperature Monitoring
There are a large number of facilities that keep deep-frozen food stored on the premises and the temperature of a walk-in freezer must be kept at a level degree without exception. Use a pH meter in Singapore to continuously document the temperature within the freezer, even when hours are open. Monitors approved according to EN 12830 are not only exceptionally reliable and long-lasting but they can handle absolutely anything without your worrying about a serious problem later on.
Cooking Oil
Cooking oil should absolutely be kept at a certain temperature to ensure that it is properly capable of cooking food through to the centre and bringing it up to the proper temperature. The oil in your deep fat fryer will have a direct impact on a number of factors and any time the oil spends cooling can negatively affect the flavour and digestibility of food deep-fried in the oil. Determine the right moment for changing your oil by monitoring its temperature and quality to exact standards.
Finally, the pH value of foods can have a direct effect on the growth of bacteria and viruses that could potentially cause harm if ingested. The quality and safety of food can be more easily monitored with this type of equipment, especially if you cater to hundreds of patrons each day. This type of equipment is as easy to utilise as it is to order, allowing you to keep your food safe before giving it to your patrons.