Author: Charles Michel

India recently reported a fall in scrap gold sales. This is mainly due to people holding onto their gold with hopes of a further increase in the price of gold, even though it touched 16,000 Rupees per 10 grams according to Commodity Online from Mumbai.

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A couple of few back it was revealed that more than half of the 22 jewellery stores around the US were selling fake, or ‘fool’s gold’ and passing it off to unwitting customers as the real thing. If you are looking to receive gold for cash, you may want to make sure it is real first. The best and most reliable way to find out is to take it to a jeweller and have it professionally tested. But this is not usually a free service. If you prefer, they are certain home tests you can perform to ensure that you…

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The 60s was definitely a period of great fashion styles and trends. This was a period which saw some of the most time honoured styles being launched – some of them still in fashion even today. The youth played a major role in the fashion of the 60s, making some of the boldest statements in fashion history. The sixties fashion clothing really revolutionised the way women dressed, and men as well. Here we look at some of the sixties fashion clothing that gained popularity with time:

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The 60s was definitely a period of great fashion styles and trends. This was a period which saw some of the most time honoured styles being launched – some of them still in fashion even today. The youth played a major role in the fashion of the 60s, making some of the boldest statements in fashion history. The sixties fashion clothing really revolutionised the way women dressed, and men as well. Here we look at some of the sixties fashion clothing that gained popularity with time:

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A wedding is usually about the bride. And while this may be a stressful time for all involved, mothers of the bride should stop obsessing over the bride and start shopping for themselves as well. While all eyes will be on the bride, the mother of the bride will also draw some attention. But you want this to be positive attention as not to steal the spotlight from your daughter – the blushing bride.

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Flying will always use fuel, which means leaving a carbon footprint. The aviation industry, like Kulula, is making some impressive changes on the environmental front.

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There are many people who are struggling to not only make ends meet, but also to find the ends in the first instance. These people aren’t always poor, they aren’t always unemployed, and they aren’t always blowing their income on substances that a police officer would frown upon.

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A debt consolidation loan consolidates all your loans into one account. This basically means that you take out a single loan, pay off all your other creditors, and is left with only one loan to pay.  Debt consolidation will help those struggling with debt. Following are ten reasons why debt consolidation may be the right financial solution for you:

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