When weighing up your debt solution options and deciding which will be best suited to your financial circumstances, it is also worth considering the effect that each alternative will have on your credit rating. After all, the ability to secure credit at a reasonable rate of interest is important, particularly to those who have faced severe debt problems and overcome them with the right debt solution. As your credit rating is used to gauge your eligibility for things like loans and credit cards, right up to mortgages, they have a massive impact on our lives. The effect of a debt solution on your credit rating should therefore be an important part of the decision-making process.
As your credit rating will play such an important part in whether or not you are approved for a loan, the possibility of debt consolidation as a debt solution is an interesting one. Of course, this is another loan that covers all of your outstanding debt but it is not the same as using a credit card to pay off other debts. Using new credit to settle existing debt is often discouraged as it can intensify the bad debt spiral. Debt consolidation isn’t really like this though. The idea behind the debt consolidation loan is that it makes your debt repayment more affordable and easier to manage. Rather than having a number of repayments throughout the month, the consolidation loan reduces this to just one lower-cost monthly repayment.
In terms of its effect on your credit rating, a debt consolidation loans is a debt solution with relatively little impact on your credit rating. As long as you maintain the repayment schedule, your credit rating should actually improve. Obviously, the debt consolidation loan will be shown on your credit report but it will also show that you’ve managed to tackle your other debts and as long as you’re on top of the consolidated repayment, it will also show that you’re capable of sticking to a repayment strategy. As long as you don’t take on any further debt in this time, your credit rating should gradually improve.
There are different forms of debt consolidation though, involving different types of loan with different criteria. These different loans will affect your credit rating is slightly different ways. A secured debt consolidation loan will offer a better rate of interest as, being secured against collateral, the risk to the lender is reduced and they will offer a better rate of interest as a result. To get a proper understanding of the different types of debt consolidation loan and the effect that they could have on your credit rating, it’s important to talk to a specialist debt advisor who will be able to guide you through the process based on your individual circumstances. Drop by www.debtsolver.co.uk for more information on debt consolidation and the possible impact on your credit rating.