Struggling with debt spread across a few credit cards? Well, here are the top five tips to help you pay off those credit cards…
1.Make more than the minimum payment each month.
The minimum payment is just that, a minimum. If you want to pay off the debt, you’ll need to pay more. Pay on time too, or face extra charges. Decide what you can realistically afford to pay without making reference to the minimum and then check it. You’ll no doubt be able to pay more.
2.Draw up a repayment plan.
Set yourself deadlines to make payments without relying on final reminders. There’s computer software to help you keep you on top of it. If it all seems a bit confusing, you can speak a financial advisor and get help with a debt management plan.
3.Talk to the credit card companies.
Credit card companies want to be paid back. It sounds obvious but it really doesn’t help anyone if you go bankrupt. In the vast majority of cases, they’ll try to help you ease the repayment burden with a re-evaluated payment schedule.
4.Write to your creditors whenever you foresee repayment problems.
Your creditors will appreciate the honestly and they’ll appreciate not having to waste time and money chasing you. You’ll be on a much better footing for making a deal and you’ll feel better about yourself and your situation because you faced up to it.
5. Get professional debt help.
There are many companies that will be able to help you solve this problem of unsecured debt. If you want help to clear the debts from your credit cards, get in touch with an impartial debt advisor that can talk you through the range of solutions on the market. Harrington Brooks are one of the most trusted and longest established in the UK, so they’re a good place to start.